
It is a private foundation of the population and the government of Liechtenstein founded in 1965. At the request of the Liechtenstein government implements bilateral cooperation for development, works mainly in rural areas in the fields of education, health and rural development. It gives priority in all activities to the promotion of women, social justice...
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Chocolats Halba is the Swiss premium manufacturer of chocolate specialities for retail and industry. To us, chocolate is more than just mixing together raw ingredients. Chocolate is our passion, an attitude, and a commitment to remain true to authenticity. As a globally active company, we want to create added value for our customers, partners and...
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Junto con varios socios, el Fondo de Sostenibilidad de Coop, apoya diversos proyectos de investigación, desarrollo y sensibilización en Suiza y en el extranjero. Al apoyar la búsqueda de soluciones innovadoras, estamos haciendo que el consumo sea más sostenible y estamos devolviendo algo a la sociedad.
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