Orange Production in Ghana


Commissioned by Jägermeister Germany and in collaboration with FiBL Switzerland and Bothapraku, Ecotop Suisse is providing expertise and technical support to enhance orange production in Ghana. 

The project aims to promote the adoption of Dynamic Agroforestry (DAF) practices in orange production. Ecotop will establish learning and demonstration plots to showcase the benefits and techniques of DAF, serving as practical examples for farmers. Additionally, Ecotop will guide farmers in transitioning to DAF.

By implementing agroforestry principles like diversification, intercropping, and tree planting, the project aims to improve soil health, enhance biodiversity, and increase the overall resilience of orange production in Ghana.

Through this collaboration, Jägermeister’s commitment to sustainable orange production will have long-term positive impacts on livelihoods, the environment, and the supply chain for Bothapraku’s dried orange peel production.




Switzerland has the lead of the international SysCom Project. ECOTOP is responsible for the administration and the agronomic management of the Bolivian trial.

Project info

RegionWest Africa – Ghana
Work areaOrange production
Duration2022 – 2024
PartnerFibL, Jägermeister, Bothapraku